We had a blast at the Butterfly Ball!
I wanted to say a big THANK YOU to our community for their support of Toby’s House and our new FOREVER fundraiser. In addition, I wanted to share with you about our event and what I unexpectedly saw.
As you know, on Saturday, April 1, 2023, we held an event called The Butterfly Ball. When we first took on this fundraiser, I thought we would be just raising money for Toby’s House Crisis Nursery. But what I soon found out was something more magical than what I ever imagined. I think I need to share with you, our donors, what you helped sponsor. I saw families taking time to take their children to something 100% child friendly with no alcohol. Parents that were engaged with their children. Children were out dancing to their favorite songs; Adults were dancing with their children. Children were dancing with their favorite princesses. The music was pure, the food was good, and everyone was smiling! Toby’s House is about strengthening families and protecting children; I would have to say that The Butterfly Ball nailed it by strengthening families. Children and adults will be talking about this for months.
We found out later from a single mom in our community that on the car ride home, her little boy told her, “My prom was awesome!” We also heard from a family who rode the bus downtown and walked to The Newberry, “I have never seen our daughter smile so much!”
I wasn’t expecting this kind of emotion from myself or our community. I am proud to be the executive director of Toby’s House Crisis Nursery and am grateful for the support and generosity I see daily. My heart is full of happiness. Thank you for supporting the families and Toby’s House Crisis Nursery.
Who Wants to Help???
Some of you have asked, and now is your chance! Who wants to sponsor children whose parents may not be able to afford a ticket to our Butterfly Ball? We are working with Head start and the Great Falls Public Schools Early Learning Family Center to ensure low-income children can attend our event, The Butterfly Ball. The children will be given a ticket and a fancy dress or nice shirt and pants if needed. Sponsoring is easy. You can sponsor as many children as you want. From 1-100. It’s that easy. We live in a generous community; what better way to support it than giving a child an afternoon of fun?
March Newsletter
The Butterfly Ball Date Change!!
It has come to our attention that the Ice Breaker, a Great Falls tradition for many years, is being held on the very same day and area as our fundraiser, The Butterfly Ball. Because we want to encourage attendance at both events, we have decided to change our date. The Butterfly Ball will be held Saturday, April 1, 2023, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. at the Newberry. We didn’t want anyone to struggle with parking and/or making the choice between the two activities.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you are not able to attend and would like a refund, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will get you a refund.
I hope that everyone understands, and we hope to see you in 32 days!
Susie Zeak
Executive Director
Toby’s House Crisis Nursery
The Butterfly Ball
Join us on April 1, 2023, for an afternoon at the Newberry for a princess and prince-themed ball. The Butterfly Ball will be a magical time of dancing and make-believe.
Tickets are $15 for a child and $5 for an adult. An adult must accompany children.
Tickets are on sale now at this link: Buy Tickets Here!!
We’re Hiring!
Toby’s House Crisis Nursery is hiring for our afternoon/evening shift. The job is perfect for a college or high school student, but anyone can apply. Duties include caring for the children, cooking light, and cleaning our nursery. You must be able to pass a background check, complete CPR/First Aid training, and fulfill training requirements. If you or someone you know might be interested, please come to Toby’s House to fill out an application or email us at [email protected].
Some very exciting news!!
We are excited to announce that Toby’s House has been selected as one of the Class Projects for the Leadership of Great Falls Class of 2022-2023.
They are passionate about the stable and quality care of children in our community. They have set a goal of raising $20,000.00 to donate toward purchasing a van to transport donations, supplies, and children as needed. For more information about fundraisers to help this project please visit: https://www.facebook.com/LeadershipGreatFalls
Junior League Holds Community-Wide Diaper Drive

Connections Mom’s Group
Being a mom can sometimes be lonely. So often, you feel isolated and alone, and you don’t know where to turn. We have heard this time and time again with the moms we help. As a mom, I could sympathize. I remember wanting a friend who was a mom just like me.
Several research studies have demonstrated that—for both mothers and fathers—high levels of emotional, informational, instrumental, or spiritual support are associated with positive parental mood; positive perceptions of and responsiveness to one’s children; parental satisfaction, well-being, and sense of competence; and lower levels of anger, anxiety, and depression. This could lead to safer children in our community!
Toby’s House is pleased to inform the community that we will have a Connections Mom’s Group. This will be an informal group of moms and children that will come together to support one another. This group will be held once a month at a different location. We will play, connect, EAT and take away some information from our community. I promise we will have fun! All moms and children are welcome!